Because we care. Qaelum dedicates itself to good causes.

December 01, 2016

Pink Monday, Zuiddag, Movember,… Qaelum has a warm hart so last weeks we stood up for several good causes: we wanted to show our support to women returning to work after their recovery from breast cancer, men struggling with cancer, and we also supported students engaged for good causes.

October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Therefore, we decided to organize several initiatives to support Pink Ribbon. Besides buying a pink ribbon for every employee, we also participated in Pink Monday. Pink Monday encourages companies to show their support for women who return back to work after their recovery from breast cancer by adding a touch of pink to the outfit of every employee! And that is exactly what we did!

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Move for Movember

And as our employees our dedicated to good causes, the Think Pink action raised immediately some questions about why we shouldn’t support men too, by joining Movember… Because with Movember, consciousness is raised of various cancers such as prostate cancer and more general, the health of men. With the help of early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments, the number of preventable deaths can be reduced.

Consequently the Movember Foundation asks during November men all over the world to move. How can you move? Simply, by growing a moustache.

Our male colleagues grew their moustaches, while the women were very creative. So next to our lovely PINK picture, we also have a very original “Q”-picture with our moustaches to show our support to men everywhere.

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Zuiddag at Qaelum

Every year Zuiddag organizes a “Work for Change” campaign that encourages Belgian youth to engage themselves for a sustainable and just society. This year’s campaign was dedicated to children and teenagers living in Jardim Gramacho, one of the largest landfill sites around the world. Many students went to work on the 20th of October and gave their wages to this good cause. That is why Jens – a student at KA2 De Ring – came to work for our company for a day.

Jens, we hope you enjoyed yourself at Qaelum. We certainly liked having you here and helping an organisation such as Zuiddag!

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