
Jessa Hospital Hasselt 

Navarra Hospital, Pamplona

Hospital Clinic, Barcelona

Gemma Frisius Fund KU Leuven



DOSE leaflets

CT Repeat

DOSE leaflets


leaflet coach EN


DOSE leaflets

MRI Efficiency

Qaelum CT repeat leaflet 27OCT2021

US Efficiency

Exposure Index






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DOSE User Manuals

Older Versions

LanguageUser manual
English (original) Qaelum - DOSE V24 - User Manual - EN - 25MAR2024.pdf
Dutch Qaelum - DOSE V24 - Gebruikershandleiding - NL - 25MAR2024.pdf
French Qaelum - DOSE V24 - Manuel dUtilisation - FR - 25MAR2024.pdf
German Qaelum - DOSE V24 - Benutzerhandbuch - DE - 25MAR2024.pdf
Spanish Qaelum - DOSE v24 - Manual de usuario - ES - 25MAR2024.pdf
Italian Qaelum - DOSE V24 - User Manual - IT - 25MAR2024.pdf
Portuguese  Qaelum - DOSE V24 - Manual do Utilizador - PT - 25MAR2024.pdf
Swedish Qaelum - DOSE V24 - User Manual - SV - 25MAR2024.pdf
Danish Qaelum - DOSE V24 - User Manual - DA - 25MAR2024.pdf
Slovene Qaelum - DOSE V24 - User Manual - SL - 25MAR2024.pdf
Special version Australia  Qaelum - DOSE V24 - User Manual - EN - Australia - 25MAR2024.pdf
Special version KSA Qaelum - DOSE V24 - User Manual - EN - KSA - 25MAR2024.pdf


Qaelum expert blog: "Can CT Image truncation cause false dose alerts?" by Niki Fitousi, Ph.D and An Dedulle, PhD researcher. Published on European Medical Physics News Autumn 2019 

Qaelum expert blog: " Reject analysis: pictures or it didn't happen" by Ana Dolcet, Medical Physicist and Steve Nzitunga, Radiographer from Qaelum, published on Diagnostic Imaging, Oct, 2019 

Qaelum expert blog: " CT patient positioning: more important than you think"By Anna Romanyukha, PhD, Steve Nzitunga, Radiographer, Ana Dolcet, MPE, Application & Training team at Qaelum, published on, April, 2022

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