COMPLIANCE is a cloud-based software solution that helps clinical practices to:
- Get a “quick-start” with all types of quality, accreditation, certification and legal obligation standards (not one standard only system)
- Save time
- Lower the workload
- Follow up easily
- Generate required and standard-specific reports
- Further enhance health care quality
The compliance software tool provides a centralized place, where all different quality, accreditation, certification and legal obligation standards are located and from which a “quick-start” of the implementation and self-auditing process can be initiated. It is a generic compliance management system that contains a vast variety of standards and new ones can always be implemented upon request. If your clinical or laboratory department needs to be ready tomorrow for any set of requirements (JCI, NIAZ-QMENTUM, ACI, EUSOMA ...) - COMPLIANCE is your central place to manage them all.
Already implemented standards are:
- B-QUAADRIL compliance for radiology practices
- B-QUANUM compliance for nuclear medicine practices
- Among others
COMPLIANCE contains all questions per standard in a digitised format, allows to answer them individually or in group and gives clear (analytical) overviews of their status. Improvement plans (when not meeting specific criteria) can be easily drafted and followed-up and, finally, the summarizing reports can be automatically generated according to each individual standard-specific format.
The COMPLIANCE module will facilitate and guide you through the process of self-evaluating / self-auditing your clinical department. Each quality, accreditation, certification or legal obligation standard can be converted to the compliance software tool. Inform us on your specific situation!
My Project
You can define the required status to your answer whether it is sufficient, whether it needs improvement, or whether it is simply not applicable.
The COMPLIANCE module provides the possibility to add an answer to each individual criterion in the format of a textual description and/or proofs (e.g. all types of documents, URL links to external websites or pages from your very own document management system).
You can see in color the questions still not answered. The completeness status of your project is being updated automatically while answering the questions.
An overview of progress (e.g. charts and diagrams) can be generated at each point in time and shortcomings can be addressed following an action plan. An improvement action plan (per category) can be easily compiled in the software and, furthermore, priority levels can be assigned (using a tick box system).
The COMPLIANCE module provides the user the possibility to implement a digital self-evaluation including corresponding time stamps and all related sources securely stored.
Each time a self-evaluation phase is finished, the results will be ‘frozen’ and stored, giving the user the opportunity to follow-up on trends (i.e. comparing to previous self-evaluation or internal audit results). All pages (including URLs) are kept in the original version corresponding to the time of the self-audit.
On-time alerts are set to remind you when is your next self-evaluation due and a pre-filled self-evaluation is immediately ready for your validation.
The COMPLIANCE module has the ability to automatically generate reports showing the individual response for each question, the progress while evaluating (overall and at specified levels), the different improvement action plans and predefined analytics. Each report is configured according to the specific criteria of the respective standard that is being implemented.
The COMPLIANCE module offers the possibility to identify improvements on a question or chapter level and to follow up on them. The tool also allows to assign (standard-specific) levels of priority (e.g., crucial, important, and not important) giving the user insights on what to do by when.
The improvements management dashboard is available with easy tracking (priority, period, methodology…) and safely stored and ready to visualize proofs.
Gap Analysis
Quality, accreditation, certification or legal obligation standards are regularly renewed and adapted to most recent state-of-the-art. The gap analysis between the old and new versions of such standards could not be easier than with the COMPLIANCE module. Using a button to simply convert the old answers to the new format, the already covered topics are still appearing as “evaluated”, but more importantly, the new (still unanswered) criteria are coloured in red. Your efforts can immediately be directed towards the new missing gaps instead of checking the differences between versions and setting up a plan on how to start.
Medical imaging has accelerated the enormous progress in medicine and is currently standard daily clinical practice. The evaluation and optimization of quality within radiology lie at the intersection of precise diagnostics, technological progress, and limitations of radiation burden for the patient. As a result, the Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom has been implemented, at the European level, in order to better regulate the medical imaging practice.
To implement the requirements of this Directive, from September 1, 2019 onwards, clinical audits for radiology services that use X-ray applications are mandatory in Belgium. The Belgian Medical Imaging Platform (BELMIP) has prepared a handbook for clinical audits in radiology, named B-quaadril (based on IAEA QUAADRIL standard).
These sets of quality criteria will be used to test the specific working methods of a radiology department under scrutiny. If specific criteria are not met or partially met, an appropriate action plan should be set up.
The implementation of B-quaadril is gradual: from a self-evaluation phase, followed by an internal clinical audit to an external clinical audit. Currently, the self-evaluation phase is already being carried out, meaning that all Belgian radiological services using ionizing radiation are expected to have started assessing their activities using the B-quaadril manual.
Our COMPLIANCE B-QUAADRIL is a cloud-based module specifically tailored to the B-quaadril standard that will help radiological departments to get a “quick-start” with B-quaadril (saving time and lowering workload), to easily follow-up and generate the required reports in the right format, and to further enhance health care quality.
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De evolutie in de medische beeldvorming heeft een belangrijk effect gehad op de ontwikkelingen in de gezondheidszorg. Medische beeldvorming is dan ook momenteel standaard in de dagelijkse klinische praktijk. De evaluatie en de optimalisatie van kwaliteit binnen radiologie bevinden zich op het kruispunt van precieze diagnostiek en technologische vooruitgang waarbij de stralingsbelasting voor de patiënt steeds tot een minimum beperkt moet worden. De implementatie van de Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom beoogt een verbeterde regeling van de medische beeldvormingspraktijk.
Sinds de implementatie van deze Directive op 1 september 2019 jl. zijn in België klinische audits verplicht voor radiologiediensten die röntgentoepassingen gebruiken. Het Belgische Medical Imaging Platform (BELMIP) heeft dan ook een handboek opgesteld voor klinische audits in radiologie, de zogenaamde B-quaadril (gebaseerd op de IAEA – QUAADRIL standaard).
Deze kwaliteitscriteria zullen worden gebruikt om de specifieke werkwijze van een radiologie-afdeling te beoordelen. Indien niet (volledig) aan specifieke criteria wordt voldaan, moet een passend actieplan worden opgesteld.
De implementatie van B-quaadril zal geleidelijk plaatsvinden: in eerste instantie een zelfevaluatie-fase, gevolgd door een fase met interne klinische audits en tot slot een fase met externe klinische audits. Op dit moment is de zelfevaluatiefase gestart, wat betekent dat alle Belgische radiologiediensten die werken met ioniserende straling worden verondersteld gestart te zijn met de evaluatie van hun activiteiten volgens de B-Quaadril-handleiding.
COMPLIANCE B-QUAADRIL is een online module die specifiek op maat is gemaakt voor de B-Quaadril-standaard en dat radiologie-afdelingen zal helpen om snel te kunnen starten met de implementatie van B-Quaadril (tijdwinst, verlaging van werkdruk), om gemakkelijk alles op te volgen en de vereiste rapporten in het juiste formaat te genereren, en tot slot, om de kwaliteit van de gezondheidszorg verder te verbeteren.
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The IAEA strives for an integrated quality management program and provided its member states with the QUANUM-tool to perform quality audits in nuclear medicine departments. In 2011, a group of experts converted this standard towards the Belgian situation leading to the B-quanum standard applicable to Belgium. After publication as a technical report by FANC, the B-quanum standard made self-evaluations and (internal) clinical auditing mandatory in nuclear medicine.
The COMPLIANCE B-QUANUM tool is a cloud-based module specifically tailored to the B-quanum standard that will help nuclear departments to easily implement and follow-up this standard. All criteria are digitized and answers can be easily given per requirement, together with a corresponding improvement plan in case the criterion has not been completely met. Further, B-quanum tailored reports can be automatically generated and trends over short and longer periods identified.
De IAEA streeft naar een geïntegreerd kwaliteitsmanagementprogramma en stelde haar lidstaten de QUANUM-tool ter beschikking om kwaliteitsaudits uit te voeren op afdelingen nucleaire geneeskunde. In 2011 heeft een groep van experten deze norm omgezet naar de Belgische situatie, wat heeft geleid tot de B-quanum standaard die sindsdien voor België van toepassing is. De reglementaire vereisten werden vervolgens als een technisch reglement gepubliceerd door het FANC waardoor de beschreven zelfevaluaties en interne klinische audits ook verplicht werden om toe te passen in de afdelingen nucleaire geneeskunde.
COMPLIANCE B-QUANUM is een online module die specifiek is afgestemd op de B-quanum-standaard en die nucleaire afdelingen zal helpen om deze standaard eenvoudig te implementeren en op te volgen. Alle criteria zijn gedigitaliseerd en per vraag kan eenvoudig een antwoord worden gegeven, samen met een bijbehorend verbeterplan in het geval de vraagstelling niet of onvoldoende kan beantwoord worden. Verder kunnen automatisch rapporten, op maat gemaakt van B-quanum, worden gegenereerd. De identificatie van trends over korte en langere perioden betreffende het voldoen aan de B-quanum standaard kan eveneens vlot gebeuren en opgevolgd worden.
Van Herpe T, Dutoit J, Nzitunga S, De Waelheyns T, Ilcheva N, Fitousi N, Vanrietvelde F, Jacobs J. "Digitization of clinical audit standards: user experience for a case example in radiology". European Congress of Radiology, ECR 2022, 2 – 6 March 2022 (online) & 13 – 17 July 2022, Vienna, Austria.
Raper V., "European-wide implementation of clinical audits starts to gather momentum" ECR 2019 conference journal "ECR today", March 2019, page 3 Link
Tom Van Herpe & Jan Schillebeeckx, "History of clinical auditing for radiology and its evolution to B-QUAADRIL for Belgium" Link
"Belgisch handboek voor klinische audits in de medische beeldvorming", Belgian Medical Imaging Platform (BELMIP) Link
"Manuel belge d'audit clinique en imagerie médicale", Belgian Medical Imaging Platform (BELMIP) Link
"Quality Assurance Audit for Diagnostic Radiology Improvement and Learning (QUAADRIL)", IAEA Link
"Directive 2013/59/Euratom", Euratom Link