Last modified: 28.02.2023

Our Company-wide statement on cookies

QAELUM considers it important that you can view, listen to, read or experience our website content at any place and at any time via various media platforms. We want you to be able to use interactive features and provide services tailored to your needs. Therefore, QAELUM uses online techniques like cookies, scripts and similar technologies (hereafter referred to as ‘cookies’). Cookies help us to facilitate the use of the website and to improve its functionality, by collecting (personal) data of our website visitors via their website usage.

In this cookie statement, QAELUM wishes to inform you what kind of cookies are used and why.

This cookie statement applies to all QAELUM online services, in particular all websites, (mobile) applications and internet services that QAELUM offers and that give access to QAELUM content.

QAELUM can amend the cookie statement at any time. This can happen, for example, in the context of changes to its services or the applicable legislation. The amended statement will then be published on the QAELUM websites and will apply from the moment it is published.

If the use of certain cookies also involves the processing of “personal data”, the QAELUM Privacy Policy is also applicable.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small piece of data that a website stores on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. Cookies are used to provide essential features and services when visiting the website, to improve the visitor experience or to provide additional functionality.

Cookies can be generally categorized:

By origin:

  • First party cookies are directly stored by the website you are visiting. They, and the information they contain, are intended for the functioning of the website itself. These cookies are accessible only for the website on the domain itself.
  • Third-party cookies are cookies set by external services when integrated with a website. They are intended for the correct function of the features provided by the external party. These cookies can be accessed by the third party if their services are also included on other websites.

By duration:

  • Persistent cookies are cookies stored on your computer with a specific expiration date. When revisiting the website, they are available as long as their expiration date has not lapsed. Afterwards they will no longer be accessible by the website.
  • Session cookies are cookies that are placed for the duration of the visitor’s interaction with the website. They are invalidated at the moment the visitor session with the website ends and will no longer be available when revisiting the website.

What are cookies used for?

Cookies are used for a variety of purposes: from the technical delivery of the website, assisting in delivering the website functionality to the storage of user preferences. They can also be used by third parties when integrating their functionality in the website.

In broad term, cookies can be divided in the following general categories:

  • User session: these are technical cookies that are used to deliver the functionality of the website: from delivering the website to the browser to allowing the users to log in on the website. They are meant to store information needed for the visitor to use the website.
  • Personalization: These cookies are used to store information such as visitor actions or preferences. An example could be the language a visitor prefers for their browsing experience.
  • Tracking: Some cookies record how a visitor uses the website or which websites a user visits. Websites could use them to perform analytical research on the experience of the visitor on a website or to check the performance of the website functionality. Advertisement is another example were often tracking cookies are used.

In the section below a detailed description of the services and cookies used by the website is provided.

Detailed information on QAELUM Cookies

Qaelum distinguishes between the following cookie categories for its website. Each category describes its purpose along with a list of the different parties placing cookies of this type. A description of what each party does and a detailed list of the individual cookies they place is also provided.

These categories correspond to the categories on the Cookie Policy banner when visiting the website, allowing the visitor to make an informed decision on consent.

The necessary cookies are required for use of the website and thus cannot be declined.

Necessary cookies

Necessary cookies are of vital importance for the correct functioning of the website and the services it provides on both technical and functional level. They are required for the service and functionality expressly requested by the visitor by visiting the website. As such, these cookies may be placed without previous visitor consent. Disabling cookies of this kind may severely hamper or make it impossible for the website to function. The following entities store cookies of this kind.


Qaelum places the following necessary first-party cookies.





A unique identifier to identify the browser of the visitor for the purpose of technically delivering the website services and functionality. 



A cookie to store the visitor cookie consent status 

1 year



Qaelum uses the Google reCAPTCHA service to protect the website forms against spam or bot enquiries. This service places the following third-party cookies.





A service by Google to protect our website against spam enquiries in forms.

6 months


Preferences cookies

Preferences cookies are cookies that are used to enhance the visitor experiences on the website. They ensure that the website functions properly and guarantees faster and more efficient use. They may store visitor preferences or can also unlock additional functionality that is not considered necessary.

The following parties place cookies with this purpose.


Qaelum uses the Vimeo video platform to embed product, marketing or other videos in the website. This service places the following third-party cookies.





A unique UID by Vimeo to store the user's usage history

1 year


A cookie for the Cloudflare bot products of Cloudflare. This is set by Vimeo to protect their services from malicious use. This contains information for the proprietary bot score calculation. Cloudflare does not track visitors from site to site or session to session.

30 minutes


A cookie placed by Vimeo to store embedded video player user settings

1 year


A session id cookie for the New Relic service used by Vimeo for performance monitoring 



Statistical/Analytical Cookies

Qaelum collects information about visitors to analyze how they interact with the website. This information allows to further optimize the visitor experience and effectiveness of the website as well as to discover issues and performance bottlenecks.

The following parties place cookies as part of these analytical services.

Google Analytics

The website uses Google Analytics which creates several first-party cookies. Google Analytics is a web analytics service that allows Qaelum to gain insight in how visitors experience and visit our website.





A unique ID used by Google Analytics to distinguish unique visitors.

2 years


A unique ID used by Google Analytics 360 to distinguish unique visitors

2 years


Used to limit the request rate to the Google Analytics service on high traffic websites

1 minute


An id to identify the user for reporting to Google Analytics

24 hours


LinkedIn Insight

The website uses LinkedIn Insight to collect and analyze information about the visitor demographic and to help optimize campaigns.





Used to store consent of guests regarding the use of cookies for non-essential purposes

6 months


To facilitate data center selection

24 hours


LinkedIn Ads ID syncing

30 days


Used to store information about the time a sync took place with the lms_analytics cookie

30 days


Browser Identifier cookie to uniquely identify devices accessing LinkedIn to detect abuse on the platform

1 year


Used to determine if Oribi analytics can be carried out on a specific domain

1 day


How can you manage or turn off cookies?

Necessary cookies cannot be declined because they are of vital importance to provide our online services. The information we collect through these cookies is always anonymous, which makes identification impossible.

For other cookies, our cookie banner allows you to decide whether or not to accept certain cookies.

Another way to manage the installation of cookies on your device is via your browser settings. You can also remove the already installed cookies from your computer or mobile device at any time. If you choose to disable cookies, you can do so for the browser you use:

If you use different devices to visit this website, make sure that your cookie preferences are set on the browser of every device.

Please note that disabling certain cookies may result in the malfunction of related features on the website e.g., certain graphics may not show the way they are meant to, or you may not be able to use certain services.